JUSTIN RUDD'S BELMONT SHORE SIDEWALK CHALK ART CONTEST will surely "draw" a crowd. Free entry for pre-registrants ages 18 and older, and just $20 for ages 16 and 17. This contest began in 2004.
Attracting seasoned and emergent visual artists, as well as participants from local high schools and universities, the annual Belmont Shore Chalk Art Contest, presented by Justin Rudd and his nonprofit Community Action Team (C.A.T.), will showcase the works of diverse artists who will use chalk as their medium, and the sidewalks of Belmont Shore as their canvas.
There will be at least $1,000 cash awarded again this year. There is no charge to spectate.
JUSTIN RUDD'S BELMONT SHORE SIDEWALK CHALK ART CONTEST is part of his nonprofit 501c3 "Community Action Team."
THE MAIN PURPOSE of the Community Action Team (CAT) is to promote social well-being among the general public. As a 501c3 nonprofit corporation governed by a board of directors, contributions to CAT are tax deductible and are used to help produce quality events within our community that benefit children, animals, and the environment.
C.A.T. IS AN UMBRELLA organization that includes
4Halloween Kids' Costume Contest
4July 4 Kids' Bike Parade
4Haute Dog Poetry Contest
4Interfaith Blessing of the Animals
4$1,000 National Kids Spelling Bee
4Nat'l Adult Spelling Bee
4Belmont Shore Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest
4Haute Dog Howl'oween Parade
4Operation Easter Basket
4Operation Santa Paws
45k/10k Long Beach Turkey Trot
4monthly 30-Minute Beach Cleanups
4Clothing giveaways to the underserved
4Bulldog Beauty Contest
Will you donate? Please Support CAT - a 501c3 Nonprofit
RIGHT NOW, while the need is in your mind, won't you please donate? We depend entirely on people like you for our funding.
WE HOPE YOU share our love for animals, kids and the environment, and our wish is that you'll consider a gift of $25, $50, $100 or another amount so that we can continue to bring you and our community fun events and meaningful projects.
CHECKS to CAT, Attn. Justin Rudd, 3040 E. First Street, Long Beach, CA 90803.
I AM A FIRM believer in the collective power of individuals joined in a spirit of goodwill and generous giving to bring about the success of a community.
- Justin Rudd! |
COMING: SAT., OCT. 26, 2024 |