< UPDATED SEPT. 3, 2024


Justin Rudd's nonprofit 501c3 Community Action Team (C.A.T.) chalk art

JUSTIN RUDD'S BELMONT SHORE SIDEWALK CHALK ART CONTEST will surely "draw" a crowd. Free entry for pre-registrants ages 18 and older, and just $20 for ages 16 and 17. This contest began in 2004.

Attracting seasoned and emergent visual artists, as well as participants from local high schools and universities, the
annual Belmont Shore Chalk Art Contest, presented by Justin Rudd and his nonprofit Community Action Team (C.A.T.), will showcase the works of diverse artists who will use chalk as their medium, and the sidewalks of Belmont Shore as their canvas.

There will be at least $1,000 cash awarded again this year. There is no charge to spectate.


JUSTIN RUDD'S BELMONT SHORE SIDEWALK CHALK ART CONTEST is part of his nonprofit 501c3 "Community Action Team."

THE MAIN PURPOSE of the Community Action Team (CAT) is to promote social well-being among the general public. As a 501c3 nonprofit corporation governed by a board of directors, contributions to CAT are tax deductible and are used to help produce quality events within our community that benefit children, animals, and the environment.

C.A.T. IS AN UMBRELLA organization that includes
4Halloween Kids' Costume Contest
4July 4 Kids' Bike Parade
Haute Dog Poetry Contest
4Interfaith Blessing of the Animals
4$1,000 National Kids Spelling Bee
Nat'l Adult Spelling Bee
4Belmont Shore Sidewalk Chalk Art
4Haute Dog Howl'oween Parade
4Operation Easter Basket
4Operation Santa Paws
45k/10k Long Beach Turkey Trot
4monthly 30-Minute Beach Cleanups

Clothing giveaways to the underserved
4Bulldog Beauty Contest

Will you donate? Please Support CAT - a 501c3 Nonprofit

community action teamRIGHT NOW, while the need is in your mind, won't you please donate? We depend entirely on people like you for our funding.

WE HOPE YOU share our love for animals, kids and the environment, and our wish is that you'll consider a gift of $25, $50, $100 or another amount so that we can continue to bring you and our community fun events and meaningful projects.

CHECKS to CAT, Attn. Justin Rudd, 3040 E. First Street, Long Beach, CA 90803.



I AM A FIRM believer in the collective power of individuals joined in a spirit of goodwill and generous giving to bring about the success of a community.

- Justin Rudd!


2024 Belmont Shore Sidewalk Chalk Art
COMING: SAT., OCT. 26, 2024

Justin Rudd's Belmont Shore Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest
ANNOUNCED: Belmont Shore Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest, Sat., Oct. 26, 2024. Awards at 4:10 p.m. in front of Chase Bank.

2024 Belmont Shore Sidewalk Chalk Art
COMING: SAT., OCT. 26, 2024

- BEST IN SHOW: $350
- 1st Place: $250
- 2nd Place: $150
- Honorable Mentions: five awards @ $50 each

Belmont Shore Sidewalk Chalk Art contest Justin Rudd Lori EscaleraARTISTS WILL DRAW on premium artist's paper that will be affixed to the sidewalk with blue masking tape.  Artists are free to take home their artwork after the judging and/or to sell their art at the event. By drawing on paper, it also allows artists to move indoors if it rains (as it did a few years ago).

$1,000 Belmont Shore Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest is Saturday, Oct. 26, 2024

JUSTIN RUDD'S BELMONT SHORE SIDEWALK CHALK ART CONTEST will surely "draw" a crowd along 2nd St. in the Belmont Shore neighborhood of Long Beach.

Attracting more than 50 seasoned and emergent visual artists, as well as participants from local high schools and universities, the annual Belmont Shore Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest, presented by Justin Rudd and his nonprofit Community Action Team (C.A.T.), will showcase the works of diverse artists who will use chalk as their medium, and the sidewalks of Belmont Shore for their premium paper canvases.

Rance's Chicago PizzaRance's Chicago Pizza will provide lunch to the artists at 11:30 a.m. Please be on time. Cold sodas and waters also provided by CAT.

THE CONTEST will take place in Belmont Shore, along the trendy Second St. business corridor, mainly in the blocks between St. Joseph and Glendora avenues.  Entry, pastels, drawing paper, and a pizza lunch from Rance's Chicago Pizza will be free for pre-registrants. Those ages 16 or 17 years old are welcome for $20, paid in advance. Minimum age is 16 for this chalk event.

A 6-piece set of non-toxic pastels (chalk) and an approx. 38" x 50" white Lenox sheet of premium artist's paper will be provided to all registered adult artists.

Port of Long Beach
Justin Rudd and his 501c3 nonprofit Community Action Team (CAT) host this event. The Port of Long Beach sponsors this event. Lunch sponsor is Rance's Pizza.

Belmont Shore Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest Justin Rudd$25 Artist Sponsors Needed


Sponsor's name to appear:
To defray event costs (free to adult artists), CAT is encouraging businesses, clubs, organizations and individuals to "sponsor" a few artists' spaces for Rudd’s Belmont Shore Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest.  For each $25, CAT will place the name of the sponsoring business, group or individual on a small sign on the ground at an artist's work area. You can make a tax-deductible credit card payment via Paypal.com to Justin@JustinRudd.com or mail a check payable to "CAT" c/o Justin Rudd, 3040 E. First Street, Belmont Shore, 90803. There are about 60 chalk artists expected to register. Each receives chalk, deluxe drawing paper, lunch and snacks. 

Event organizer: Justin@JustinRudd.com


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Belmont Shore Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest Justin Rudd- Only solid pastels may be used. Chalk pastels are recommended.
- There is no required art theme.
- No chalking directly on the sidewalk.  
Artist's paper (Lenox 100 Paper 38" x 50", 250g - white, no deckles) or Stonehenge (does have deckles) will be supplied to pre-registrants. (Example:
Lenox 100 is a 100% cotton sheet made in the USA. Developed by Legion Paper, this fine art print paper has a textured finish and is very popular for most drawing and printmaking techniques. Neutral pH, no deckles.)
- Do not set up in front of a parklet, business front doors, patio dining, bus stop, mailbox, trash cans, or newspaper rack; and not close to a street corner. 
- Volunteers will be available to help you find an appropriate work area.    

- If using your own supplies or pastels, please present them at check-in for inspection.
- Artists are encouraged to use the entire 38x50 page of paper.
- Art must be family-friendly.
- No nude or lewd artwork.
- No political, campaign or commercial advertising statements, messages, or drawings.
- No words or symbols intended as advertising or promotion may appear within the image.
- No stenciling.
- Organizers have the right to disqualify and/or remove any inappropriate art or writing as they may deem necessary.
- Judging based on first impression, creativity, originality, and skill.
- Digital photos will be taken and used for publicity purposes.
- This contest is for adults and students in high school and college, age 18 and older. Those age 16 or 17 are welcome as non-juried participants for $20, if paid in advance by check to CAT, 3040 E. First Street, LB, 90803.
- No participants under age 16.
- Not responsible for damage or theft of art work.
- Basic, starter: approx. 6-pieces of soft pastels (no white or black pastels provided) and one sheet of artists' paper provided for all pre-registrants.
- Participants are required to sign a liability waiver, prior to beginning to draw.
- Artists are allowed to draw from a reference (i.e. a photograph, page in a magazine)
- Organizers and judges have the right to modify or add to these rules, as necessary.
- Artists are encouraged to sign their work at the bottom of the image area.
- Artists can draw from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Judges will pass by each artists' space from about 3:30-4 p.m. It's then that the judges or Justin Rudd will invite finalists (with their art) to the awards ceremony. Please be with your artwork when the judges pass by at this time.
- Final Judging and awards: 4:10 p.m. in front of Chase Bank (only finalists will be asked by the judges to attend the final judging with their art).

- NOTE: If you are selling your artwork created at this event, please consider donating a portion of your sale to the nonprofit 501c3 putting on this event to help us defray the $4,000+ cost of the event. The nonprofit is Justin Rudd's "Community Action Team."

Map to start/finish Belmont Shore Sidewalk Chalk Art ContestSCHEDULE & LOCATION
- Artists should sign-in at the table in front of Chase Bank, 5200 E. 2nd St. @ Nieto Ave., 90803 from 8:45-10 a.m. There are some artists who are allowed to arrive later, with permission.
- Artists can draw from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Free pizza/sodas for registered lead artists at 11:30 a.m. at Rance’s Pizza.
- Judges will pass by each artists' space from about 3:30-4 p.m. It's then that the judges or Justin Rudd will invite finalists (with their art) to the awards ceremony. Please be with your artwork when the judges pass by at this time.
- Final Judging and awards: 4:10 p.m. in front of Chase Bank (only finalists will be asked by the judges to attend the final judging with their art).


2023 Belmont Shore Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest

2023 Winners

Best in Show: Willie Zin
1st Place: David Phon
2nd Place: Lori Escalera
3rd Place: Patrick Marston

Registered Artists for 2023
Adrian Garcia
Aiza Pedregon-Abbott
Amber Appleton
Aunjel Fullington
Brandon Caldwell
Brianna Cunha
Caesar Feliz
Carl Maxwell
Crystal Hayes
Cynthia Ortega
Daniel Williams
David Phon
Georgina Pillainayagam
Harmony Lee
Jen Cendana
Jolyna Vicerra
Kelsey Garrett
Krista Parada
Lee Thongphun
Lena Bishop
Lori Escalera
Margot Bradshaw
Melissa Hernandez
Morgan Neeley
Nadine Hoffman
Patrick Marston
Ra Sor
Roy Corona
Shay Neeley
Stephanie Greenwald
Tiffaney Gardea
Tori Corona
Veronica Sanchez
Victoria Seaborn

Belmont Shore Sidewalk Chalk Art Cotest
2022 Winners
Best in Show:
Shuji Nishimura, Torrance (Queen Elizabeth)
1st Place: David Phon, Long Beach (Rihanna)
2nd Place: Alejandro Reyes, Norwalk (Mona Lisa)
Honorable Mentions: Lori Escalera, Willie Zin, Penny Richards, Ra Sor, Gloria Ing

2022 Artists

Alejandro Reyes
Amber Appleton
Aunjel Fullington
Bobby Arzate
Brian Code
Brianna Cunha
Caesar Feliz
Christa Galactica Everest
Curtis Brown
David Phon
Emily Kirkwood
Ethan Hubbert
Georgina Pillainayagam
Gloria Ing
Guillermo Luna
Harmony Lee
Henry Casas
Jackson Chantha
Jen Cendana
Jen swain
Jessa Orense
Johnny Chhom
Juan Gallo
Laura Severson de la Torre
Lawrence Johnson
Lee Thongphun
Lena Bishop
Lindsay Bell
Lori Escalera
Lori Antoinette
Manuel Cuadros
Mohamed Ismail
Mony Ven
Morgan Neeley
Mstyk Art
Naomi Duben
Nicole Yeagy
Penny Richards
Ra Sor
Roy Corona
Shay Neeley
Shuji Nishimura
Skyler Bluemel
Sovannie eng
Stephanie Gonzalez
Stephanie Greenwald
Tiffaney Gardea
Tori Corona
Tshinza Abdul Stewart
Veronica Sanchez
Victoria Seaborn
Willie Zin

2021 Winners
Best in Show: Jennifer Ripassa, Eastvale, Calif.
1st Place: Shuji Nishimura, Torrance, Calif.
2nd Place: Brian Morris, Tampa, Florida
Honorable Mentions: Roy Corona, Mike Hardey, Laura Gray, Cameron Calderon, Willie Zin, Mike R. Baker, Josephine Nguyen, Lori Escalera

Belmont Shore Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest 2021

2019 Winners Shared $1,470

Best in Show: Lori Escalera
First: Lena Bishop
Second: Laura Phillips Gray
Honorable Mentions: Mike Baker; Shay Neeley; Jennifer Ripassa; Lauryn Logan; Derick Edward; Jacqueline Ramos; Gloria Ing; Stacy Nalapraya; Randall Williams; Cecelia Linayo
Director Awards: Crystal Hayes; Chad Sanders; Karla Solorio; Travis Hite; Jason Arias; Isabella Duco; Brianna Cunha; Leo Aguirre; Penny Richards; Nell Turley; Morgan Neeley

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Belmont Shore Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest images
click image above to see photos from a previous year's contest

2021 Artists

Amber Appleton
Anthony Razo Rico
Ashley Tucker
Aun'jel Fullington
Brian Code
Brian Morris
Brianna Cunha
Caesar Feliz
Cameron Calderon
Carl Maxwell
Crystal Hayes
Gloria Ing
Dan Caspers
Daniela Gomez
David Phon
David Santos
Derek Peters
Elizabeth Carrillo
Erik Powers
Gabriella Funes
Gloria Ing
Guillermo Luna
Harmony Lee
Henry Casas
Jada Trabue
jen swain
Jennifer Ripassa
Jeri Spence
Josephine Nguyen
Kathryn Bishop
Kelsey Garrett
Kenneth Greenwood
Krista Parada
Laura Gray
Laura Severson
Lee Thongphun
Lena Bishop
Lori Escalera
Lynnae Maki
Marquis Cook
Melanie Stinson
Michelle Sears
Mike Hardey
Mike R. Baker
Mohamed A Ismail
Monika Petroczy
Morgan Neeley
Naomi Duben
Pamela Looney
Paula Espinoza
Ra Sor
Randall Williams
Roy Corona
Shay Neeley
Shuji Nishimura
Sovannie Eng
Stacy Nalapraya
Stephanie Gonzalez
Tori Corona
Veronica Sanchez
Victoria Seaborn
Willie Zin

2017 Winners

BEST IN SHOW: Shuji Nishimura, Torrance
1ST PLACE: Marcella Swett, Pomona
2ND PLACE: Michael Hardie, Long Beach
3RD PLACE: Lori Escalera, San Diego


2014 Winners

Best in Show: Shuji Nishimura, Torrance
1st: David Gilmore, Long Beach
2nd: Moe Notsu, Long Beach
Honorable Mention: Becky Bershtel, Long Beach
Honorable Mention: Victoria Lopez, Long Beach
Honorable Mention: Willie Zin, Long Beach
Honorable Mention: Adam Dano, Long Beach
Honorable Mention: Jennifer Ripassa, La Mirada
Director's Award: Lori Escalara, Vista
Director's Award: Brianna Cunha, Lake Forest

2013 Winners

Best in Show $350: David Gilmore
1st Place $250: Shuji Nishimura
2nd Place $150 Lori Escalara
Director's Award $50: Moe Notsu

2012 Winners

Best in Show: Willie Zin, Long Beach
1st: Parker Konyak, Long Beach
2nd: Shuji Nishimura, Torrance
Honorable Mention: Lori Escalara, Vista
Honorable Mention: Moe Notsu, Long Beach
Honorable Mention: Randall Williams, Los Angeles
Honorable Mention:
Honorable Mention:
Director's Award: Becky Bershtel, Long Beach
Director's Award:
Director's Award:
Director's Award:

2011 Winners

Best in Show: Moe Notsu, Long Beach
1st : Jennifper Ripassa, Encino
2nd : Lori Escalara, Vista
Honorable Mention: David Gilmore, Long Beach
Honorable Mention: Doug Walker, Long Beach
Honorable Mention: Mike Baker, Long Beach
Honorable Mention: William Zin, Long Beach
Honorable Mention: Shuji Nishimura, Torrance
Director's Award: Julio Jimenez, Winnetka
Director's Award: Anthony Razo Rico, Long Beach
Director's Award: Cecelia Linayao, San Diego
Director's Award: Brighton Smith, Garden Grove

2010 Winners

Best in Show: Lori Escalara, Vista
1st: Julio Jimenez, Winnetka
2nd: Ricardo Perdomo, Long Beach
Honorable Mention: Brighton Smith, Garden Grove
Honorable Mention: Cecelia Linayao, San Diego
Honorable Mention: David Gilmore, Long Beach
Honorable Mention: Amanda Gundrum, Long Beach
Honorable Mention: William Zin, Long Beach
Honorable Mention: Kai Woods-Decker, Malibu
Honorable Mention: Guillermo Luna, Mira Loma
Honorable Mention: Shuji Nishimura, Torrance
Honorable Mention: Samuel Eames, Long Beach
Honorable Mention: Doug Walker, Long Beach

2010 Judges: Ralph Millero, Richard Townsend, Heber Siqueiros, Blair Cohn.

2009 Winners

1st: David Gilmore, Long Beach
2nd: Brighton Smith, Garden Grove
3rd: Shuji Nishimura, Lomita
Merit Award: Cecilia Linayao, San Diego
Merit Award: Rebekah Waites, Signal Hill
Merit Award: Julio Jimenez, Winnetka
Merit Award: Vicky Ojerio, Long Beach
Merit Award: Mike Baker, Long Beach
Best Aquatic Theme: Kristina Marroquin

2008 Winners

1st: Brighton Smith, Garden Grove
2nd: Cecilia Linayao, San Diego
3rd: David Gilmore, Long Beach
Honorable Mention: Lori Escalara
Merit Award: Jason Arias
Merit Award: Parker Konyak
Merit Award: Jamie Kivisto
Merit Award: Julio Jimenez
Merit Award: Diane Nuyon

Other SoCal Chalk & Street Painting Events

- Belmont Shore (Long Beach) Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest
- Pasadena Chalk Festival
- i Madonnari Festival - Santa Barbara


justin rudd long beach