
DOZENS OF BAKERS are expected to bring goodies to the -annual Long Beach Christmas Cookie Contest hosted by Justin Rudd and his nonprofit Community Action Team.
MARK TWAIN once wrote: "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
I WANT TO Explore, Dream and Discover as much as possible in my life here on earth, and I want my Web sites to empower, equip and incite others to do the same.
I WANT TO help folks to find something new and exciting to do and experience. That's why I formed my charitable organization and named it the "Community Action Team"— a name that I feel encompasses all the varied activities and events that I have (and will continue to) organized for the good of our community.
WHAT CAN I DO to help you explore your potential, make a dream come true or discover new frontiers? I hope to hear from you.
Yours truly,
Justin Rudd!
THE MAIN PURPOSE of Justin's Community Action Team (CAT) is to promote social well-being among the general public. As a 501c3 nonprofit corporation governed by a board of directors, contributions to CAT are tax deductible and are used to help produce quality events within our community that benefit children, animals, and the environment.
C.A.T. IS AN UMBRELLA organization that includes
4Miss Southern California
4July 4 Kids' Bike Parade
4Miss Long Beach
4Interfaith Blessing of the Animals
4$1,000 National Kids Spelling Bee
4Nat'l Adult Spelling Bee
4Belmont Shore Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest
4Haute Dog Howl'oween Parade
4Operation Easter Basket
4Operation Santa Paws
45k/10k Long Beach Turkey Trot
4monthly 30-Minute Beach Cleanups
4Clothing drives
4Bulldog Beauty Contest
4Say, "Cheese" Long Beach 24-hr. digital photo contest
4Long Beach Giving Project
4Camp Justin!
4Long Beach Bake-Off
I AM A FIRM believer in the collective power of individuals joined in a spirit of goodwill and generous giving to bring about the success of a community.
-Justin Rudd! |

Christmas Cookie Contest and Long Beach Bake-Off with tasting reception in Belmont Shore, after the free 5 p.m. holiday concert hosted by Justin Rudd! & his nonprofit Community Action Team. It's a FREE (tickets required) 90-minute concert at 5 p.m.

Enter for free.
Sat., Dec. 21, 2024: Long Beach Bake-Off & Christmas Cookie Contest for Charities. Enter for FREE.
DOZENS OF BAKERS are expected to bring cookies and other baked goods for the contest hosted by Justin Rudd and his nonprofit Community Action Team (CAT).
Each of the winners' favorite local charity/school/place of worship will receive a $50 donation from the Community Action Team. Winners will also get bragging rights for a year!
The evening also includes a 25-piece brass and percussion Christmas Concert at 5 p.m. (tickets required) while judging is taking place. After the concert, the general public will be able to sample the cookies at the tasting reception ($5 donation requested). The concert is FREE for everyone with a ticket. Organizers are hoping that concertgoers will bring canned good/peanut butter to donate to a local food bank and/or a pack of new socks that will go to a charity serving the homeless.
- Deliver cookies and baked goods 4-4:45 p.m., fellowship hall
- Private judging: 4:45 p.m.
- Christmas Concert: 5 p.m., sanctuary
- Tasting Reception/Awards: 6:30 p.m., fellowship hall
This event is hosted by Justin Rudd and his nonprofit 501c3 Community Action Team (CAT). CAT is supported, in whole, by funds raised at the Long Beach Turkey Trot 5K/10K and Haute Dog Parades. WEB SITE
Quick Links
• rules
• prizes
• entry form
• judges
• concert tickets
2025 Judges
- Miss Long Beach
- Mrs. Long Beach
Judging Criteria
- taste
- appearance
- quality
- first impression
Justin Rudd’s nonprofit 501c3 Community Action Team (C.A.T.).
6 Prizes
The 3 winners of the Long Beach Bake-Off and the 3 winners of the Long Beach Christmas Cookie Contests will get $50 to give to their favorite local charity, school, or place of worship. Not to mention, winners get bragging rights for a year!
Bring one plate or platter of at least 24 cookies. Entry forms available online and/or at the event.
All cookies in the contest must be made at home (not bought). You may enter multiple recipes.
A separate entry form must accompany each cookie. Recipes do not have to be original. This contest is for individuals, not teams (partners cannot enter together). The contest is open to anyone in Southern California. Decisions of the judges are final in all matters relating to this Contest. Entrants will agree to release the Justin Rudd, the Community Action Team (C.A.T.), the judges, and all who participate in the production of this event from any liability without limitations. Baked goods must be entered in the name of the person who made it. It is possible to win more than one award if you enter more than one cookie recipe.
Deliver each entry on ONE plate/platter/dish. Be sure to put a piece of tape on the bottom of your serving plate/platter/dish and write your name/email/phone on the tape/index card, so we can make sure each dish is returned to the right person at the reception. We will not be responsible for lost, broken, and/or eaten items. Contestants agree to be quoted and/or photographed and to use of their names, photographs and recipes without compensation.
Email addresses will be added to our bake-off/cookie database. After judging, goods will be served at the tasting reception. You do not have to be present to win.
We are not able to mail any awards/prizes/checks for those who can not attend the awards/reception, but we can arrange a date/time for you to pick them up in Belmont Shore. We will not be responsible for lost, broken, and/or eaten items. Youngsters may enter, but they must prepare, bake and present by himself/herself.
Justin Rudd's Community Action Team (CAT) | 3040 E. First Street | Long Beach | 90803
A 501c3 nonprofit. Tax ID# 05-0545777. Contributions are tax deductible.
WHAT WE DO: monthly 30-Minute Beach Cleanups; Bulldog Beauty Contest; Operation Easter Basket; $1,000 Nat'l Kids Spelling Bee; Nat'l Adult Spelling Bee; 4th of July Kids Bike Parade; Interfaith Blessing of the Animals; National Mutt Show; Haute Dog Howl'oween Parade; Miss Long Beach & Miss Southern California pageants; Long Beach Turkey Trot; Operation Santa Paws; more. CONTACT: Justin@JustinRudd.com